It's that time of year when the garage sales start up and
I'm always ready to go treasure hunting. A church near
my house was having a rummage sale and I stopped in to
look around. I saw this bag of silverware marked $5.
The first thing I noticed was this server that was
sitting on top of all the other items. I thought the
rest of the bag was probably filled with assorted
forks, knives and spoons but I was interested in the
server. In an antique store this item alone would
probably cost at least $15 so I figured $5 was a
good deal.
When I got to the car I looked in the bag and laughed.
I guess someone else likes butter knives as much as
I do! I use butter knives often and not just for butter,
when I serve triple cream brie or other soft cheeses
or dips, I like to give each person their own knife.
When I was a little girl I always liked to use the butter
knife from my Mum's silver set ~ it just made the meal
more special.
While watching a movie this afternoon I got them all
polished and looking beautiful.
They are mostly silverplate but I did find some
sterling. There are even a few that match
~ not that that matters...
I love the little shields on this set of 6, perhaps I
should have them engraved with our initial.
These two will go to someone I know with the
initial B.
There was even one M ~ made just for us!
You are too much.